Kook Fringe
I find it interesting—and hilarious, that organic farming and gardening methods fully developed and used over the last 10,000 years have now been dubbed “unconventional.”
Around 1910, German scientists first learned how to chemically make nitrogen, cheaply, and in quantity. From that point until about the 1950’s, with the help of the boys in the chemistry labs, cheap chemical products—fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, “---cides” (as in sui-“cides”) of all kinds became the order of the day. During those 50 years all the farming and gardening wisdom of the past 10,000 years was tossed aside in favor of fast and cheap. Very slowly over the last 50-60 years we’ve been becoming more and more aware of the destruction we’ve heaped upon ourselves, our plants and animals, our water and air. The chemical and drug companies would have us believe these are “conventional” methods -- and that organic methods are “unconventional.”
Yes, I find that very hilarious. Sickening, but hilarious. You can be sure that the more the petro-chemical industry feels the loss of sales of their poisons, the more ridicule will be heaped upon those of us who grow, buy and demand pure food. They can campaign against organics with funds that would be the envy of any political candidate. There's big money in poison. The media are not going to want to offend their biggest advertisers. We'll be more and more the butt of criticism, false data and false reporting.
I'm seeing more of that nonsense and lies every day. I don't mind being in this "kook fringe" that doesn't want poison on my dinner table. In fact, I take a lot of pride in it!